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The Human Compass™

Lifestyle. Leadership. Legacy.


The Human Compass™

Lifestyle. Leadership. Legacy.


Our Mission is to help the human race re-discover their ability to navigate any challenge, create deeper experiences, and foster meaningful progress for themselves and others. We provide individuals & organizations with the best science, research, and training platforms for optimal human potential and performance. The result is a heightened well-being for ourselves, our families, companies, communities, and societies. Together we can create a more Awareness based, Solution oriented, and Forward thinking world; and it all starts with the principles in which we collectively operate from.

At The Human Compass Project, we believe you are infinitely greater than your thinking mind says you are. And when you reveal this to yourself (as thousands of humans throughout history have), you are capable of achieving incredible feats you never thought were possible.


Your Human Compass™ is a Awareness and Principle-Based achievement training, which focuses on improving bite-sized daily habits and large-scale perspectives, to navigate any challenge and succeed.  It Has Been Used to Maximize Stress Reduction, Flow Performance, Mindfulness Training, PTSD, Mental Health, Business Advancement, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Corporate Engagement, Customer Experience, Company Culture, Sales, College Faculty Development & Education Curriculums, Team Building, Relationships, Recovery & Therapy Programs, Coaching, Speaking, Family Dynamics, Creativity, Problem Solving, all with Documented Increases in Life Satisfaction, Purpose, and Meaning

*With every Human Compass Training purchased, a child's life is saved from malnutrition in another part of the world.


"I've personally gone through The Human Compass training as continuing education for my practice, and this program is very complimentary to what we do with Neurofeedback. I now recommend this to my clients to further assist them in enhancing their results in both life and work". 
RAY HANSINK P.h.D. (San Juan Capistrano, CA)

*Dr. Hansink helps people from all walks of life using EEG/Neurofeedback. From couples to families, and executives to athletes, Neurotherapy has been used extensively in the areas of peak performance with great success.  Ray's website is

Human Compass for Business

Human Compass for Business


In the ever changing dynamics of business it’s ultimately how you operate and build cultures, along with how you optimize your internal and external communication, which determines your outcomes. Below for more...

Your Human Compass

Your Human Compass


Your Human Compass™ is a guidance system in you can utilize at will, to create a completely new lifestyle, or just propel yourself into deeper and more meaningful experiences in life. 
Below for more...

Human Compass for Relationships

Human Compass for Relationships


Your Human Compass Relationship Integration's can drastically enhance your connections with others, and seamlessly advance your relationships in life and work
Below for more...

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Training & Frameworks

Daily Experience Modification & Human Optimization.
Integrating Mindfulness Into High Level Achievement.

Training & Frameworks

Daily Experience Modification & Human Optimization.
Integrating Mindfulness Into High Level Achievement.

Your Human Compass™ is based around the proprietary compass framework, developed by Ryan Deegan after 20 years of interactive study and research on 2,500 years of human literature, combined with the latest science in neurology and biology on transforming stress into a life of passion and purpose.

It's a highly effective, daily implementation training program, designed for increasing success in all areas of your life and work.  It gives you a solution oriented mindset, and a high-efficiency skill set; bridging the gaps between Science, Mindfulness, and Achievement. The result is an immediate improvement in your ability to create clarity, achieve more, connect more, earn more, and enjoy more out of life.

When integrated into business culture, it propels leadership, accountability, morale, and drastically elevates sales & client relationships.

Operating from Your Human Compass is being able to navigate any path, any circumstance, and any challenge. It's a skill-set that will ultimately set you free of unnecessary pain, stress, or struggle on a daily basis. As you practice, you will enrich your human experience and your daily connection to life. This will have a compound effect over time, creating deep and meaningful progress for yourself and the people you engage with.

The results

have profound positive effects on the people and events in your reality. It is made up of simple lifestyle and cognitive exercises, and each exercise re-trains your brain and re-aligns your biology for optimal daily effectiveness.

Unlike 95% of material taught around the world, Your Human Compassbecomes completely custom to you as you go through the training. It can be tailored for any group/category or company, and provide a lifetime of use and benefit once learned.



The Human Compass Training’s stretch from speaking engagements and seminars, to private, group, and/or online learning systems which store information directly into long-term memory. These training’s are offered to a global audience of individuals and organizations, some of which include Entrepreneurial Success, Executive Performance, Corporate and Employee Engagement, Resorts & Hospitality, Faculty Development, Direct Sales, including Specialty Programs for Addiction Recovery, Suicide Prevention, Veterans, and Long Term Care. Our methods consist of dynamic & simplified learning techniques, built for reaching the highest levels of human potential, understanding, and advancement. These systems are designed to include only the actionable, difference-making approaches which can be maximized in today's complicated society.

Anything that increases someones self esteem is much more powerful than money.
— Steve Wynn, Wynn Resorts
When you become bigger than your problems, you no longer have problems...just things on your list to get handled.
— Ryan Deegan, Creator of The Human Compass








Not taken for granted.

Hunger claims 1 million children's lives every year, but for the first time in history, incredible solutions are within our reach. Using ready-to-use therapeutic foods (through our Partners at Action Against Hunger), we can now treat children outside of hospitals, and save lives at a scale never imagined before.



Lending our resources.

Unlike food which people can live without for weeks (if you can imagine that), lack of water can kill us in days. Through our mission for global assistance, we will help build wells in countries and cities in need; along with the water cleaning programs approved through our 15% proceeds program.


Always giving more.

Many of us forget how much we should appreciate having a solid foundation to rest our heads at night. The Human Compass Project has teamed up with Concrete Canvas to provide instant shelters for a growing number of homeless families and natural disaster stricken villages around our globe.

Human Compass Philanthropy Platform

Human Compass Philanthropy Platform

Instant Concrete Canvas™ Shelters

Instant Concrete Canvas Shelters


© The Human Compass Project