To say Ryan Deegan understands Human Behavior & Performance would be an understatement. He’s not only conducted a 20-year research study on over 2500 years of human literature in these areas, but he’s faced and overcome a diverse set of challenges and traumas that provide the perspectives he uses to relate-to and transform other people’s lives and businesses.

An Arizona Native, Ryan has also lived from opposite ends of the U.S., to South America. As a lifelong Entrepreneur and student of life & business growth, Ryan now has over two decades of experience in both personal and professional achievement. He has traveled to see and learn from highly acclaimed authors and trainers, while also gaining first-hand experience of what needs to be done for the less developed, less fortunate places on Earth.


Ryan received his 1st Degree Black Belt at 10 years old, his 2nd Degree BB at age 12, and before he was 15 he'd won 1st Place in the Regional, State, and National Championships.

From multiple forms of abuse as a child and destructive influences in school, to a career-ending injury in college football, Ryan pressed forward. He reinvented himself from an athlete to an entrepreneur, immersed himself in the industries of life & business growth, and was lucky enough to surround himself with the top authors, speakers, and difference-makers around the world.

After leading and inspiring a personal team of over 600 people in his early 20's, Ryan would be faced with even more challenges -the 2008 recession and a bad real estate investment. After losing almost everything, Ryan re-created success with two new life & business companies within 12 months, and ultimately found himself pursuing his true passions (giving back to the less fortunate), and using his experiences to provide the most effective solutions in the world for the many challenges we all face in life and work.

Ryan has created long-term success for clients on individual, entrepreneurial, and corporate levels, with ages ranging from 15 to 76. He's reached and identified with people from all walks of life, and coached companies from 26 different industries. Ryan structured The Human Compass Framework so everyone connects and identifies with the material differently, using it for their own unique advancement in any role they play.


Ryan's broadest passions are to explore, create, and share. The Human Compass is a byproduct of Ryan’s internal impulses to create progress in the world. He takes pride in his own (current and continued) lifelong learning & development, and assisting others with their own personal and professional expansion.

"My purpose is to leave this journey looking back with complete wholeness, knowing I did everything I could to fully experience life, while sharing my passions for Human Advancement with the world."  
-Ryan Deegan

Ryan Deegan: Founder of The Human Compass Project™ Entrepreneur, Speaker, Philanthropist, Photographer, Athlete, Adventurer, and Author of the Forthcoming Book -The Human Compass™, Four Simple Directions to Win at Life & Work™. Ryan also tests, …

Ryan Deegan: Founder of The Human Compass Project
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Philanthropist, Photographer, Athlete, Adventurer, and Author of the Forthcoming Book -The Human Compass, Four Simple Directions to Win at Life & Work. Ryan also tests, streamlines, and redesigns more efficient learning systems, so you can fast forward your results in any area of personal life and business expansion. He explores the world for knowledge, answers, and overall perspective, then shares these things with as many people as he can.

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